The psychological burden immigrants carry
By: Matias Tuxen Navigating Challenges in Finland As a mental health professional, I’m deeply interested in people and promoting well-being. As a foreigner in Finland, I know firsthand how challenging it can be to live away from one’s home country and loved ones. This is why building connections and making friends is so important. These…
Meeting differently – Meditation and Walking as Co-Creation
By: Ingrid André Autumn has arrived in Finland and the city is bursting with colors. But as the days are getting shorter and colder, we need plenty of activities to warm our minds and bodies. So, to celebrate World Mental Health Day on 10.10, we got together to take in the wonderful landscapes of Lapinlahti. …
Me Puhumme Teoin – Real Change or Just Empty Promises?
By: Hope Makara MIELI Without Borders is Anti-Racist At MIELI Without Borders ry, we stand firmly against racism in all its forms. Our mission is to destigmatize and spread awareness about migrant mental health through community action. We believe that a society free from racism is essential for the well-being of ALL its members. However,…