We have a lot of events and happenings this Fall, so follow us on social media for regular updates!
Upcoming events

Community Pikkujoulu
Let’s celebrate another year of MIELI Without Borders together. We will meet for our end-of-the-year community party at Luckan Integration (Yrjönkatu 27, 00100 Helsinki) on Wednesday the 18th of December at 18:00 to decorate some cookies! Cookies, frosting, and sweets are provided–bring your sweet tooth!
Past events

Mental health Mondays
As the Finnish nights settle in, MIELI Without Borders is organizing a creative workshop where light and dark take center stage. You’ll dive into activities that explore the balance between shadow and light, and how they shape our inner worlds.

TOIVO group
TOIVO peer support for women to support everyday well-being. Co-facilitators Jingyi Li and Maria Marcondes Kataja.
No longer accepting registration because the group is full.

Peer support for Internationals
Feeling lost in Finland? Join our support group for laughs, venting, and survival tips—because we all need a little help with Finnish winters!
Registration closed

Monday 28.10.2024, 18.00-20.30
In this somatic workshop, we will focus on the body through a guided meditation and explore the connection through writing.

Piñata Wrecking Party
Redefining what it means to be a job seeker and instead of allowing rejection to wreck us, we take control—wrecking the piñata made of job rejections. DJ Mabel Raíssa da Cruz will be playing from 18:00 – 22:00 at MS8 Hub, Arielinkatu 16, 00540 Helsinki. All are welcome and RSVP below.